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The American Israelite from Cincinnati, Ohio • P3

The American Israelite from Cincinnati, Ohio • P3

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. 3 onceived different opinions in regard PJTTS1IUSGH, PA. BOLD ASSERTIONS. HIRMINGHAM, AI.A. Marcus.

-The drama of Esther waa a grand to Christian church attendance. Hiurcess, Dom nnanciaiiy and otherwise, Next to the Temple every one is en Ai'iui, 4. The annual election of oili thusiastic in praise of our Riverside cera and lioard ot Directors ol the Tlie Manly Action of (Germany's Greatest SclentlHt. ESTABLISHED 1868. 'WOODS cfc GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICES, Opposite Cotton Entangl.

87 Cnrondelrt Cor. Gravler, NEW ORLEANS. Queen Insurance Uojal Insurance of ficottlih Union National Ins. LAncaahIra Insurance of United Underwrite Insurance of American Casualty Insurance a Security of DWIil.l.lSti AIn ftllOAR HOIIDE RISKS EftPKCIAI.I.V SOLICITED Cemetery. I gave a brief description of its beautiful location and romantic sceneries in a former letter.

Enchanting as were the place and surroundings It Ih Warmly Indorsed by Kinging; Editorial in Leading American Journal. it has been very mucn ennancea oy artificial skill and taste. Thi3 is due entirely to the eflortB of Mr. Adolph Lessner, who had charge of and super-intendency from its infancy, and to him alone belongs the credit of having the moBt beautiful cemetery in the county, if not in the State. The hen that was to lay the eggB, that were to hatch the chicks, that were to start a literary association, is dead.

Chad Gadzo, Chad Gadzo. G. THE BEST protection against sudden changes in the weather is to purify the blood with AYER'S Sarsaparilla It vitalizes and enriches the life-current, and makes the weak strong. Has Cured Others will cure you. LIVERPOOL LONDON GLOBE INS.

GO Office: 194 Gravler Street, NEW ORLEANS. Over 847,000.000 Louoi Paid In tho United State. Loiaes Paid by Chicago Fire, 1871 3,939.091 Loaves Paid by Boston Fire, 187 419 7M All Losses Paid in Cash Without Discount as Soon as Adjusted. Losses nnd all matters of business settled by officers and director! In New Orleana without ref ence to any other office, tho name an with local companies. DIRECTORS IN NEW ORLEANS: Ouatnv II.

Wcntfeldt, C. Fallon, Lucas E. Moore, Cohaa fiftirhi Henry V. Outlet. Resident Secretary.

Clarence F. Law, Awilitunt Rm. Secretary. Eighth Street Temple was held last Sunday, with the following result: President, Mr. A.

Lippman; Vice-President, Mr. JoBiah Cohen Treasurer, Mr. Meyer Joseph Secretary, Mr. Charles Zeug-achmit Directors Messrs. Simon Kaufman, Samuel Wertheimer, A.

Klinordlingor, Louis I. Aaaron, Jacob Aflilder, Samuel l-'loersheim, Morris Kingsbacher, Max Rosenbaum. Rev. Dr. L.

Mayer, re-elected for ten years, with an increase of salary Mr. I. Pachter, sexton, re-elected for three years, with salary increased. The examination of the pupils of the Russian School showed that they have made most wonderful Btridos in their different studies. This school has only been in operation for eighteen months or so, but it has grown and developed most wonderfully for its age.

At the exercises, which were held a few weeks ago, Prof. Ogclen.of the Female College, addrcHsed the classes in a very happy manner. Mr. Oscar Rcsenbaum also uttered words of cheer, praise and encouragement, followed by impromptu addresses by many of our prominent i no uuy uouticll of lUrmingham held Its meeting last week and granted the Congregation Kneeser Israel their request lor the grading of certain property to be used as a burial-place for their dead. Tho store of our osteemed townsman, Sol Levi, was burned out this week.

Mr. Ike Well is in the city. Mr. August Hlrsch haB returned from his purchasing trip to Now York. Mr.

Joo Barker, of Decatur, ih the city. Mies Minnie Freiberg, of the (Jueen city, is in the city, visiting Miss Kuoy Maver on Eighteenth Street. -Mrs. M. Uleo and daughter, Iks Maud, passed through the city, cn routr from Vicksburg, to Cincinnati, to attend a wedding.

I paid a visit last week to the school that has been established in the Young Men's Hobrew Association's toomn, under the supervision of Rabbi Ullman, (or tho benefit of Russian children, and was surprised at tho largo increase In attendance, there being over thirty pupils present. Great improvement has been made by tho pupils. Rabbi Ullman is ably assisted by Misses Emma Wellmau and Wertheimer. Tiio Plueiiix Club gave a most delightful full dress dance last evening, at their rooms. Though the weather was a bit disagreeable, quite a number were present and a very enjoyable time was had.

Senator Sam D. Block, of Camden, spent a couple oi days in the city this week. Mr. Emil Ixieb lias returned from a business trip to New York. Tho youngest son of Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Saks was ndinitttvl to the fold of Judaism last Monday, Dr. EiBOUberg officiating. The masque ball be given by the Y. M.

H. for the benefit of tho Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati, in the rooms of tho I'luenis Club, promises to bo an affair of no small proportions. It has been set for next Thursday evening, and, judging from tho outlook, quite a large crowd will be present. The Young Men's Hebrew Association, at Its meeting last Sunday, instructed the House Committee to beBtir itself in selecting now quarters. The present ones are getting mor and more inadequate.

The association will have another lecture in a few weeks. Rabbi Ullman has offered to deliver a lecture also in the near future. SCHOI.OM 1H. LOUISVILLE, KY. N.

0. Mattress Spring Bed MTy 108 fc 170 Cnmp Street, NEW ORLEANS. Oat our Figures balora you Buy. Medical Trilnnir. Professor Rudolph Virchow was seriously ill several months ago.

An admirer of his, the owner of a certain proprietary medicine, took occasion to present him with some bottles of his discovery. Virchow recovered.and was certain that he had received much benefit from the remedy. He accordingly addreBsed a letter to hia benefactor, acknowledging tho matter and expressing his gratitude. The letter, coming as it did from the moat distinguished teacher of pathologic science in Europe, was published and widely read, The North German Medical Association, like similar bodies in America, has its cranks on ethics. They endeavored to call the professor to account for disregarding the code.

Virchow regarded the instincts of a gentleman, and the honor that leads a man to render justice, as paramount to the peck-measure ethics of a conceited gang of half fledged medical men. He answered them with hearty contempt, and withdrew from the association. He choBe to stand on manliness, and could afford to do so. It was an issue between ethics and a man, and manhood was asserted. At about the same time the editor of this journal wrote a letter to a gentleman in Western New York regarding the merits of a remedy known as Warner's Safe Cure.

The circumstances in the case were as IoIIowb We had frequently been asked by patients if we knew anything about this remedy, and were obliged to answer in the negative. We then began to make inquiries about the remedy, and were surprised at the reports regarding it. We then recommended it in several cases that had resisted all other treatment, and the re citizens. Dr. L.

Mayer, the patron of EDUCATIONAL. this institution, has placed the man agement and instruction of it in the hands of three able students of the Medical College. a THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. Cincinnati, 218 Mull. Blymj er liuUdlug (Opposite Pobt-ofllce.) Mrs.

J. M. GuBky will move into her With or Wit Jionf Rntln for Jlfnriiffo Bnr. Estimate furnished to In-tlt'Mions of all kinds for Iron Hods. Mattretsci, Ask for Van Houten'b Cocoa take noother.

Pillows, Woven Wire Springs, Cots, Motqulto Bars, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Arun, 4. The Hebrew Ladies' Sewing Circle of this city, at its meeting last Thursday, decided to celebrate the anniversary of this so truly benevolent society by a banquet, to be given Thursday, April 7th, at Standard Club Hall, the expense for which to be defrayed by the members participating, and to draw from the treasury of this society one hundred dollars, to be donated to the Hebrew Local Relief Fund. I have often spoken about the truly Jewish charity practiced by the good ladies composing this sewing circle, who, in so many wayB relieve the wants of the needy, but language is inadequate to enumerate the numerous noble deeds of tho truly charitable members. The officers for the ensuing year were elected last Thursday, and it shows the good judgment of its members, that the first oflicers of the society were unanimously re-elected, the xame ojllccrs that were chosen at the organization of the 11. L.

S. C. twcnly-Jice years arfi. They are: President, Mrs. A.

Hassan; Vice-President, Mrs. Julius Bark-house; Secretary, Mrs. Abe Lapp; Treasurer, Mrs. Louis Tachan Trustees: Mrs. Julius Bamberger, Mrs.

Herman Harris and Mrs. S. Fox, to whom were added Mrs. Henry Wolf, Mrs. palatial residence out on Fifth Avenue, East End, in a few days.

This residence is a perfect dream of beauty, and Hair and Feathers a SpcoUlty. in architecural design and interior decorations it surpasses anything of the The coiim-tlon ot Mr. .1. D'Mzn with the thiHlny (11 lire li publiHluTiH are prcjmred to consldur upptlctitioiiH for tlii position of c.orruHpomleut mid busliuiHH rprcHntnt ive in New OrImiis, kind ever neen in this city. The marriage of Miss Birdie Wert heimer, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Wertheimer, of Western Avenue. Br superior native teachers and according to LACE CURTAINS. We are offering special inducements in this line of good-; and have a very extensive assortment of patterns which we arc confident will please the mot exacting buyer. MATTING AND WALL IAIICR.

New designs arriving every day. Wall paper remnants I'cta. per roll, not damaged. Mattings in a great variety oi patterns as low us cts. jcr yaid by the roll.

WINDOW SHADES, RVC5M, Oil, CtOTH and upholstering goods. Oil cloth as low as per ynrd and other mcrehnndiso in proportion HEATH, SCHWARTZ 110 amP street-NEW Orleans. Berlitz method. ConvLifiation acquired In one or two terms. 815 for lessons.

Open Day and Evenings. Trial lessons free. Send for circulars. to Mr. Abe Rauh, of Allgheny, will take place Wednesdy evening, April bin, at the Eicth Street Temple.

CENTRAL SELECT SCHOOL, JiSW. Feventh St. Circulars at the school a book-Ftoros. Misses K. B.

and h. Huntsman. Miss Kingsbiicher, of Quincy, 111., left Malignant Abscess. My little girl sulTered for three your; from large Abscess on her hip, the result if a full iiud dislocation. The Abscesi fftis large -WITH SIX OPENINGS- all of which discharged puss.

I was in duced by friends to give her for home Saturday evening, April 2d after a long and pleasant visit to Mrs. KinesbHcher.ol Locust Street, Allegheny. Miss Emma Lehman, of B'uena ViBta Mexican aoap powder Hakes WUHlilnit a lMeaHiire. INDORSED BY LEADING FAMILIES OF MEXICO. MitntUlaa, Silks, Cnsslmers, l'lnnnela, wnshed beautifully and without lnjary, FOR GENERAL HOUSE USE MEXICAN POWDER SPEUKS FOR ITSELF Snlo l)y Londlntr 'ov' Orleans Grocors.

sults were surprising. The albumen Street, rehired home IhbI Sunday morn Aaron Kohn and Mrs. Ben Straus.) rapidly disappeared from the urine and The President, Mrs. A. Hassan, being the patients felt greatly improved in in after a delightful visit to relatives at Baltimore.

Miss Carrie Hirsch, of unable, on account of sickness, to at Fremont Street, has returned from a BUSINESS AND SHORT-HAND COLLEGE, (Catalogue free.) LOUISVILLE, KY. Graduates Successful in Business. visit to Philadelphia and Baltimore. health. Feeling satisfied that the compound was a valuable one, and that it could do no possible harm to any one, we continued to recommend it, and were surprised at the good results md by the time tho fifth bottle was finished NICKEL PLATE SHOE STORE.

KEIFFER A HIRSOH, PROPRIETOH3, tend to the duties of the office, Mrs. Ben Straus, last year's Vice-President, was elected acting President, an honor well deserved and worthily bestowed. The Hebrew Ladies' Society No. 2, held its regular quarterly meeting yesterday afternoon. There was a fairly large attendance and much routine After several months' fair trial we Illustrated Catalogue Mailed Free.

ma the abscess waa entirely healed, and t'a' child was well and happy. Mits. J. A Weigxer, 8latingfant Pa. Send for Book on the Blood and Skin.

SWIFT SPECIFIC Atlanta, CANAL STKEl: NEW ORLEANS, did not hesitate to indorse the remedy, believing as we did that it would prove a boon to suffering humanity. We have 151 NEW ORLEANS. TWENTY PIJTH YKAR. Mrs. LEOPOLD WEIL'S ESG1.ISII, (iKKMAN, KKKNCH and HKI111EW Ilourclluif anit Uhj JL.

KOR YOUNG liADIES AND KINDERQARTEN, 111 MKlison X. K. Cor. Slxly-Iblrd NEW YORK CITY. business was transacted.

Reliable Footwear at Popular Prlcf 1 tidies, Mihsef; mid Children, sr well ns Men. Bovs and Youths. Solo Agents for intuitu foil's Irten's Miot-ft. Every I'air Warranted. no reason to regret our action in this particular.

We recommend a remedy On Sunday, April 10th, the annual meeting of the.Y. M. H. A. will be held at the rooms of the Association.

Officers for the ensuing year will be chosen and SBCKBAC11 EISEMAN, that has benehted thousands ot persons; we have seen its good effects on NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS CO. Miss Hitter, of 1 oungstown, is viBit-ing her sister, Mrs. Leo Weil, of Eist End. Miss. Rauh, of Cincinnati, ife visiting Mrs.

Rauh, of Allegheny Avenue. Stella Rauh, of Cincinnati, is the guest of Miss Fleishman, of Western Avenue, Miss Myers, of Baltimore, is the guest of Miss Wertheimer, of Western A venue. -Mr. and Mrs. Goetz, of Brook-ville are visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Enoch Rauh. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guggen-heimer, of Chicago, are the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. A. Guggenheimer, of Western Avenue, The Sunday afternoon WhiBt Club had their last meeting at the residence of Miss Rosa Epstein, of Western Avenue. The ladies' prize was won by MiBS Francis Eisman, of Fayette Street, and the gentleman's prize by Mr. Simon Feuchtwanger, of Locust Street.

The following was the program of GENERAL COMMISSION AND BROKERAGE. other business for the benefit of the GENERAL DRAYAGE. 11 a Common St. our own patients after all other medi- cines have failed, and we are not afraid to say to the public and the profession i Association transacted. At the monthly meeting of the Board held last Thurs Toopmiio -11 Now OrJouii.s l.u.

Guarantees a reliable City Delivery of Mer SPEC1ALT1 US! SUGARS, MOLASSES AK SYRUPS. DIRECT FROM PLANTATION. Particular attention la paid to shipping goods only tn Urst-claaa cooperage. just what we know of it. day night a petition, signed by twenty-young Balesladies.was presented, asking chandise, Packages.

Trunks, Baggage, from and to all points within City limits. Will prompt- Medical journals of all Bchools of. respond to telephone calls. hiiKiknur I iih mm Tattu No's to Hire. Wuklu.

Monthly Vcurlu Con- RIOB from first hands only. Brokers for direct Importers of RIO- medicine are filled with advertisements and editorial puffs of proprietary medi-; tract made with itorc. Boarding Day School FOR YOUNG LADIES AN1) CHILDREN, Ho. 647 Madison NEW YORK. Under the Direction of the HISHEH MOHI58.

CORDOVA and SANTA COFFEES. Send for samples and prices. .11. WAINKIUHT. C.

K. UNOH-N, Jr. flllliic country orderp. aV Wo devote spoclnl attention to aavancea mane gamut consignments, cines, many of which are worthless. The editors know nothing of their composition or preparation, but have an eye 27 and 29 Nalchaz Straat, NEW ORLEANS, L.

i-1 1. STUDIO OF MUSIC. WM. H. PILCHER, DiiurrcoR.

3L.AC3rlVLATSrNr' UNRXCKLLHD the V. M. H. A. entertainment of 109 St.

Charles KEW ORLEANS, LA. Next to Washington Artillery Hall. Ample accommodations for Boardine Student. to have permission granted to have a ladieB class organized to be instructed on Sunday mornings, and to give these ladies the opportunity of partaking of the benefits of the association, Sunday being the only day unemployed by them. The petition was unanimously granted, and there will ere long be a Sunday morning class composed of our best Jewish young ladies.

The monthly entertainment of the Y. M. H. A. will take place on Thursday night, April 14th, with a well selected program.

Among other features Miss Daisy Helburn and Mr. Henry Bakrow will perform a duet on pianoB, Miss Mamie Goldstein, a vocal solo, Miss Stella Day a recitation, and a lew other instrumental and vocal solos. DIPHTHERIA-SOLVENT REMEDY, The Boardiug Department is under the dircoi supervision of Mrs. Wm. H.

Pllchcr. Thursday evening of the past week. Opening Addict Mr. H. M.

Benedict Fiinttisle Abt Mandolin Quartette Messrs. Abt, Haulage, Heim and Welseekle. Recitation The Whistling Regiment MiKmmii Hpnndau. lliiltid Spiel Ti-fn Mlfa Ificiithiil. DeRov.

Itosenhaum MUSIC TAUGHT IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. MRS. FROEHLICH'S Germ a ii, French, xmtl iCiijfliBli Boarding Day School FOU YOUNG LADIES. jo IS. Ftflletn (Kreet, jisw YORK, (Bet.

Msdisoil and. Fifth Avenues.) Sure eure for Diphtheria. Write for sample bottle and testimonials. MANUFACTURED I1Y A. LA6MANN 321 Caroudelet NEW ORLEANS, LA.

LICHTENTAQ'S PARAGON SHORTHAND. Whv snend EIGHT to TWELVE MONTHS iisic Guenther orchestra Recitation Select Miss fiimndtiu. TRYING to learn the older methods, when you Flute nolo Eulalie to the money they get tor their advertisements. There has been no protest against these things. How, therefore, a certificate based on experiences such as ours, and without compensation, Bhould have greater turpitude, is a problem beyond our capacity.

Why one should be fish and another flesh we are not sagacious enough to determine. We leave it for those who care more for the rotten corpse of the old code than for common fairness and common sense. Those who are eager to find fault will do so. are heartily welcome to their task. To be sure blows can he given as well as taken, except that some escape because of their contemptible insignificance.

Wehave no ammunition to waste on such. This, however, we will say Xo man of common human sensibility, who has the red blood of a mammal, and not the pale, snaky fluid of the lower raceB, will have the heart to judge our actions severely or to say that we New Orleans Brewing Association. are suur. to accompiisn a hjvi iik tchuii in a LESS NUMBER OK WEEKS, with this now ays- tom? DR. H.

iiarrv ivatz. Society paper Mr. R. Jackson 'J'iie entertainment was followed by dancing. K.

P. M. Amontr our writers are many who bare aban Mr. W. T.

Rolph, the manager of doned other svsteiiifl after long use, and wo have pupils from all the other shorthand schools Ib Brewer and Bottlers of the Unexcelled Brands PERFECTION AND LOUISIANA." Depots in all the Principal Cttiev of the South. mis town, oi ituy prominence. Receives pupila from the conntry board anrt superintending of studies. Prepares carefully for Colleges or Business. Efficient lessons in French, German, Classics, Literature, Hebrew.

Evening classes. 512 W. 9th Cincinnati, 0. DAYTON, 0. Dun's Agency, will deliver a lecture practical talk to young business men.

The affair promises to be a very pleas ant one. PARAGON SHORTHAND INSTITUTE. 1SG Robin near Coliseum Square, Main Office 194 Common Street, NEW OBLEAHS, LA, Aran- 4. The new temple of the K. K.

B. Y. is now under roof. Work in News has just reached here, that Mr. Henry Stnmhdrtr.

fnrmPrlv of this C.ItV. but HOW located Shorthand anl Tyiewriting Taught, the interior is already under full head YOU DO NT BELIEVE IT at St. I'aul, is engaged to bo married to Miss Flora Weis.of St. Paul. Youiie Sternberg's many friends here are glad to iearn that he Is so way and is to be pushed rapidly for ward.

The congregation may well be very successful In his new home and wiob blpsfiiiic in his new enterprise. WEINGART INSTITUTE. SELECT DAT AND BOARDING SCHOOL, FOR BOYS. 22 and 24 East 91st Street, Bet Madison ami Filth NEW YORK write trie 1 will convince yon lift any Haiti Head Stop IMr Falling "i Miss Minnie Harris, daughterof Mr. and Mrs.

anent'y remove (Including, Spelling, Punctuation and Composition). WALTER DUNSTAFS Phonetic snortltaiii Typewrttinj Insiimtc, 234 St. diaries SEW OULEASS, LA. Eyebrows, Lycl.bes unit on have done aught but what we have proud of what has been accomplished bo far. The general opinion is decidedly complimentary to the spirit and Harris, of thtd city, nas returnea irom cincin-tmH.

wbfirft she received a thorouuh musical vo Thls is po hum bin? as I can always claimed to be our right to use any remedy that will benefit our pa fiirulr-h the I'v'dencc of Among my patrons are Dealers, Merchants, l'ro- scores to hi Mai'tlatt my claim. Clercymou, Pliysiclans, Heal lCstuti enterprise ot the Jewisn community. cal training. Mies Harris's voice Is one of the bt'Bt alto-voices in our city, so pronounced by musical experts, and sheas well as her relatives and friends may well be proud of her wonderful vnfen. tients, without reference to the source Dedication services win De neia near from which it comes.


the fall holidays. Preparations are al BOtLE llCSITSKflS CO I. LEG IS The above article from the pen of Dr, Is renowned for its hiiih crade, practical and Messrs. ion ana. uen mrscn, oi me nrm oi HlrKCh Bros.

A are both In the city, having returned from very successful business trips to R. A. Gunn, editor of the Medical Trib- Droeresslve courses of studv. Practical Lectures ready in progress, and it will undoubtedly prove an event in Dayton's church history, Collegiate and Commercial Courses. Location accommodations better than those of any similar institution.

Well-equipped gymnasium well assorted school library, special feature. Ktfern to the Rev. Drs. Kohler, (Jotthell, Kohut and WcifLi, to Dr. H.

Baar, to Jacob H.Schlff.Esq., nd to Jullm Katzenberg, lq. Send for and able faculty. Co-eduoat onal system, strongly corroborates the state Southern and Eastern cities respectively. MissBaer, of Owensboro. is vlsftii Send for catalogue.

Address Geo Soule, Pres ident. Now Orleans, i.a. Bister, Mrs. Geo. Wlttelshofer.

ments already made by the doctor in the public prints regarding the unusual Mrs. E. Lyon, of Decatur, accompanied LEOPOLD'S HOUSE SIMON LEOPOLD, Mannger. 13 Duuphine New Orleans, La. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD.

jn. u. "bouie ti New Scionre and Practice oi Accounts," -116 and "Soule's Philosophic Work on Practical Mathematics." 880 aro by her daughters, Is visiting relatives In this merits ot the greatest modern medicine iity. Minn Rerlina Harris, accompanied by her This preparation, after twelve years of ropieie who expert ana pratitlcai nccoununi and business mmnnlnKnnii mirl nbnniid witi unqualified Buccess, has hnally received new truth and high work, contained in no other brother Edward, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs.

H. Harris. Nathan Bloom and Mrs. Charles Gold the commendation and indorsement ot ANfc or two ymiif- ladles, wishing to miittlciil ami other studies in New York City, will lind a home and refln-fiil NurromullnirH in hiclilv renoectable smith, after a prolonged visit at Mr. and Mrs.

J. the leading members of the medical LECHES This house is centrally located, near Canal Street, and oilers the Jewish public spcclaliaccom-modatioiiH, at moderate prices. private Jewlrtli fninlly. For jiartloulars Plfiftse apply to MrH. No.

54 East Street, Now York Cily, N. V. profession, both this country and in Europe. Dr. Gunn, in his recently pub 11.

ADranamsd, ui iiuw uu iu- turned home last Friday. Mr. Abe Laub left on a four months' business trip to the South, representing the firm of Laub Bros. GRADED INSTITUTE, lished interview, gave his unanswerable SO. 7 PKYTANU STREET, HEW ORLEANS.

reasons for indorsing this great remedy. MlFsLamirom, oi xuuwauaee, is meguesioi Mr. and Mrs. B. Hess.

On April 18th, a comedy, The Circus, will 3. IiEOHE, FrlQolpl The Purim ball of the standard tjiun, as usual, was a grand success, and will always be so, if conditions remain the same. The secret of its success is probably that Dayton has more overripe bachelors to the squre inch than any other city in the United States. Whether they could be made UBeful as Benedicts deponent saith not; they do, however, come handy, and are to a certain degree useful at balls and parties, to fill up quardrilles, and that is all they seem to be good for in a social way, up to the present time. Of all the cranks of this crankridden country, the religious crank, though the most inoffensive one, is nevertheless the moBt persistent.

One of those Benighted specimens, once a man prominent in business circles, stationed himself last Sabbath morning at the en ''Kg? and it goes without saying that the most distinguished teacher of pathology in the world to-day would be the last to msD man THE SOUTHERN MATZOS BAKERY, No a. 127, 129, 131 DryadaB, Bet. I'oydras and Perdido NEW ORLEANS, LA. U. MOSES, I'roprietor.

BDay, Night and Boarding School for Boya of all open tho Spring season at tne Auditorium. This piece will run there during the weok, and ages. Authorized by Charter to Grant Diploma! and Confer Degrees. Tho moBt thorough School FOR BOYS, Prepares for College or Business. recommend a proprittary article with oi juamamauus auu jLTigiisn mo oiaie.

out having the utmost faith in its cura BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL THE ORDER IRON HALL tive powers. I Kraternnl Benefit Society, in which Will no UOULH umw iuiiju uuuiuuura, iu luu yuuu- lar place of amusement. "The CirciiB" Ib full of Interest the company a large and worthy one. and the performances will be enjoyed by old and young. The last two of the series of Theodore Thomas' Chicago Orchestra concerts will be given at the Auditorium on April 25 lb, and, and all lovers of nusic should attend these grand concerts.

Most brilliant programs will be offered. Thomas' orchestra Is second to none, and it is a rare treat to have the opportunity to hear such music, wonts fnr thpse coucerLs are ranidly selling. Complete Courses In German, Frenchand Spau-Q) also In Hebrew. 1003 Madison NEW YORK. members do not have to die to wit If you have not yet ordered your It py members per week In of sick' 'cblfiit: S'i'JO in case of to Mrs.

ELLA BERRY COMPLEXION SPECIALIST, Vitro AfiK.sonr, OK'nitor mi Afnlos, HirthmiirU-H and Sii)orl7cJiin ITtilr hy JSlcL't rolysis, For Ladies and Children. ANI'FACTl'RER OF TOILET PREPARATIONS. Face Massage anil Steaming A par alas sectJiul to none in tin1 World. wines and liquors for Pesach, there is tal disability g.oo I KM 1" of death P1000 at expiration of 7 veftra still plenty of time to send for them to DUCKERT, Deputy Supreme Justice for Ionis- Klein's, 'J3 West Court street. Kennedy's fana, MlsKls-sippl.

Alabama, and trance of the temple distributing re Whilst the subscription to the Summer opera particulars, HALL Honda, will give you Box No. -ills, New Oriear The undersigned having tho largest Matzus Bakery in the United States, with largest and most modern improvements, has extra tacllHiea for baking Malzos, having four largo Ovens and all machinery driven by electricity (being the first Baker In America who adopted the Electric Power), Is now prepared to supply his patrons with tho best and freshest baked Matzos in the U. in shortest time and therefore not comi Sclled to bake four mounths before Pesacb as tire orthcrn and Western Bakers inustdo. Always on hand Smoked Beef, Tongues, Cakes, Macaroni, Potato Flour, Etc. Send your orders early and they will be promptly attended to.

B. MiO P. 0. Box 754, SEW OKLEANS, LA. ligious tracts to every person attending Rervice.

-He claimed with much vehe PARKKItSISURG, W. VA. have been fairly liberal, mere are buii a lew thousand dollars wanting to complete the guarantee fund. Manager Duff has extended thi. time tn Auril ltith.

to raise sufficient guar mence that tho time has come lor the There seems to be a "matrimonial epidemic'1 hereabouts: our lads and lassies arc abandon antee to enable him to have his company give Jews to remhabit Jerusalem, and re DAVID C. HOLLANDER, ing the state of celibacy with moBt alarming rapidity, and "there's only a few of us left" is r), 1. (XI substitute twenty-four performances at tne Auaiionum. Let our Louisville readers who have not yet Bub scribed, do so at once. okch.

ncr bottle. habilitate their iormer condition that tlie on repeatea jnment inv -young cantata of Esther, rendered by the iuve rreckJenud -Moth Ernd- face, S1.IJ0. lorsoapl, per box. icator, rsuillcient for on tho railroad to Jerusalem was now com Medical Discovery Takes hold in this order: Bowels, Liver, Kidneys, Inside Skin. nlles, under the careful supervision of Mrs.

Joo ATTORNEY AT LAW. Dieted fares very cheap, etc. Some 1 i. -il. 1 Keller and Miss Bertha Helusfurtcr, was a flatter' hie- Riircpsit.

KAN. f. i-, Tin. Whist Club held its last meet- Parlor, Office ami Laliaratory 39 PRYTANIA STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. ielt higmy muieuuui, umm muiu nnon it as a huge joke, but our worthy Miss Birdie Itauch is visiting her Fister, Mrs.

Dave inir at the residence of Miss Lena Wise. The No. 28 CaroMcM St. New Orleans, La, Spritz, In the Queen City. Mr.

ana A distributor of religious tracts feels no Kuder and Miss Selma will visit Mrs. kuder tiftrenbi hi (Ihillieothe. next week. dmibt that he has accomplished EVAftlSTE KG'SE. EDGAR M.

CAHN, lucky winners were Miss Carrie Levy and Mr. Sol Summcdleld. Mrs. Sii hcr and daughters, formerly of Topeka, are spending a few weens with Mr. and Mrs.

iT 1 ti, Minneaijo their future Jos. Voegtl. The betrothal of Miss Hose Keller to Mr. Jack world of good, and will keep on dis oco. of Now York ty.

is announced. Cugena Krost. Cost Utsi3 Skin, hem" is spending a few weeks with MOIfcSJSi ci GAriN, OFFICES, pensing tracts lor ine auienorauou ui the condiiiuii'uf the Jews all the aam: No. 21 Umercial Place, NEW ORLEANS, Li airs, uiara r-psicin, wnu uw in, i nu.v convalcscent. Miss Rosa Sellg will depart for Lynchburg.

to visit friends, shortly. Messrs. Henry Itauch and Maurice Prager will attend the Marcus-Hws wedding in tho Monumental City next week. MlsaSallle Heinsfurter entertained the Young Ladies' Whist Club Saturday afternoon, and proved a most charming hostess. Misses Dorothy Keller and Loreno Epstein will attend a (junker City wedding in April.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nowberger, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keller and Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Keller will leave on April lfith, to art end the l.owenstein-Zinoman "rivint; everything boforo It that ought 10 he out. You know whether you need or not. Sold manulactnred by DONALD KENNEDY, ttOXBURY, MASS. Notary in ffi a Commercial mid.

Insurance Law. WM. ARMSTRONG, Hotel, Ofi fo and Restaurant. 13 15 Royal near Canal. Kroit Voogtlc; NEW OHLEANS, LA.

ATTORNEY her daughter, arh, ui, a. Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss liecca Cohn to Mr. Honry Walleustcin. of Wichita, Kansas, April 7th, at the Eldridgc Tli'cL meet Sunday at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs.

S. Steinberg. Mr Mooney, of Kansas City, speutaday in this city last week. Mr. Abu Levy paid Kansas City a few days' visit.

MIw. Clara Suss has returned to St. Louis after a pleasant stay with Miss Carrie Levy. Mrs. J.

(John and Miss Emma Levy spent a few days in Kansas City. Mrs. Ger-son of Newton, has returned homo after a brief visit with herdaunhter, Mtb. Hoytnan. Mr and Mrs.

Urbansky, of 8K Mary's, will bliortly move to our city, making it their future home. Mr. Urbansky will conduct his clothing business hero. Mr. Jake Cohn haB returned from a short business trip to Witchlta.

Mr. Ben Jacobs spent Sunday among us. Miss Celeste Cohn, of St. Louis, 1b tho guest of her ant, to attend the WaHenstein-Cohn nuptials. A number of other visitors are expected.

CllllTC. nuptials at Philadelphia. ourcity posses.1! tho finest club- 28 Carondfilct Si, New Orleans, La. SPECIALTIES: rne ueurews room ft In tho Pi Handle State. Tho young ladies hold semi-weekly receptions therein The congregation is taKing much interest in our Friday evening services and lectures.

The attendance is all that can be desired, and is creditable alike to tho members and to Kev. Max Werthemier's etlbrts. This subject of attendance is one which frequently is cause, and perhaps in some cases a just one, for complaint on tho part of the preacher. I find, however, that in Christian churches, several of which I viBited on divers occasions tho attendance is not at all proportionate to the total membership not only that, but the preponderance of female to the male worshipers was of such decided character as could not fail to iiv-V'iP stranger. I confess that it was" a surprise to me, as I had 1KN1) CALII'H.

Itea) Est at Succession ami Commercial Law, Commissioner of Deeds for Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, MIssLwipoi, Ana iind UKrrAl. Hai.vk, Cures Til FI.muc, etc. Price 1)0 ets Ir. Jamison Clif.mlnii Co. -II W.

aitli at. N. Y. City. mm in mrunua, leuuesseo aim lexas.

Thibty years' dealing with the public Is likely to give a man a name, either good or bail. In the case of our old friend, James J. H. Gregory, of Marblehcad, the dealings have been so honor-ablo that the name fs a synonym of integrity wherever known, and every man, farmer or othnrtvlsp. who huvH iuwd of him knnres lio In 'lt ici: i'f i ii i.

Commercial Soap.Caodle and Starch Manufactory (LIMITKD.) Olllco and Salesroom, 80 Magazine St. NEW It LEANS, LA. All grades and sizes of Laundry and Toilet Soaps. For sale at all leading grocers. Cash paid for Tallow, Grease and Rooin.

Correspondence solicited DROPSY BIT Tils Hnjn Sa ntoo -num in getting juBt what he pays for rare enough in rai'UlYil Send for his cata- Mr in use anys oi incus in iraue. CV, li uiijah uniii'j ilch Is free to all, and set something rc- logue, ww OIH iSH lit HH1UH SjaiU tnms BOOK 1 FHEE. ifl OAVK TBFATMENT FREE Now is tho time to take a good tonic medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla possessses the greatest merit, and is a popular favorite. FWiTiOKUEftN -3 EN iiaDie.

ail. DR. H. It. GKI1ES A- SONS, 1 A..

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