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The American Israelite from Cincinnati, Ohio • P262

The American Israelite from Cincinnati, Ohio • P262

Cincinnati, Ohio
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262 We are pleased to see aiiain in our rUEBI.0, COL. YOUNUSTOWN, 0. HISTORY F0PI6jS RECORD. SWIiDEI, A literary distinction of the rarest kind, and one that every Jew will note with pardonable pride, has just been accorded to a Swedish co religionist. At the last sitting of tbe Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, the first prize of the institute, its large gold medal, was conferred updh Dr.

Karl Warburg Librarian of the Museum of Gothenburg for his historico-literory Study, The Life and Works of Olof vou.Dalin." The honor is the greater, as since the year 1856, when Professor Ljnggren received the distinction, the Royal Swedish Academy has not crowned with its first prize a single work of the many brought under its notice. A Committee lias nlready been formed, with tlio Kev. L. N'uri inheri! asCbairruan, the other memherB heinp IS. Wertlioimer anil S.

Galinger. Tlie Rev. L. Nuremberg, who takes a great interest in tiie movement, at great length on the proposed enterprise at the last meeting, and stated that he was one of those who were present and spoke at the first meeting to consider the building ol the fiimr-islnng Foster Home, in Philadelphia. It is to be hoped that this charitable enterprise will be crowned with success.

The Rev. Dr. Myer has gathered five hundred dollars for the aid of the German sufferers by the flood, and was pprsent at a meeting held at the Turner Hall, in Pittsburg, convened by the German residents in Pittsburg and Alleghany, for the express purpose of aiding their distressed brethren in the Fatherland. I think it right to mention this, and it is a lesson which should teach all those who hold Anti-Semitic doctrines to take notice that all the German Jews in this country still remember the Fatherland, and always come forward to aid their countrymen in time of trouble and dialrebs. J.

A. Janoary 23, 1883. midst the bright face and familiar form of Mias Esther Drukker. who, after a three months' ploy in New York, returned home last Tuesd.iv. We expend a heartv wel come, and though the pleasure of New lore is to oe relished, we trust -Miss Esther will never be transferred to another field, but will grace St.

Louis society with her presence. Not lone since I went to hear the Rev. Chas. Spnrgeon, preach. The church was crowded.

Hi" popularity, and I think the success of modern ministers iB partly due to their conciseness. The coming more immediately to the noint. Divines of the century often labored to be dull, spending a great deal of time in proving what was self-evident. We like those BermonB least which are incumbered with scholastic and learned Quotations, and always keeping insight some lesson ot piety to be inculcated. A sermon which enforces one grand point or illustrates some beautiful truth in a directand simple way, is the most acceptable.

Although the sacred writings should be the ground work of all pulpit productions, there is a freshness when tbe utterances are taken from daily or local occurrences. Therefore the minister of to dny studies science and the human system as well as the Scriptures; hence, less picturesque dis- i.iy ot Heaven and Hell, and more talk of and Spencer than the coming of the Messiah. Fiiilosonhv mav convim'" the reason, but religiou must also tout'. the heart. The ladies of the Hebrew Relief and Aid Societies are busvseliirg tickets and collecting donations for the supper, and ior a (jranci l'urim call at LleilerKranz Hull.

The members are working energetically, and, of course, will make a success of it. Alpha. January 29, 18S3. A Burning Question of the Day. BY THE REV.

8. FALK, OF BUFFALO, Ji. V. Concerted action against the public nui sance of Jewish traveling mendicrnts or, to call the child by its right name, timer- ant schnorrerx becomes more and more an imperative duty Jewish co minuniticsowe to themselves. It uasalways been a nuisance, but of late it has grown into a Bcourge, which tries the patience and overtaxes the time of the tlficers of Hebrew relief associations, drains their treasuries, which are mainly and generously supplied for the assistance of the home poor, and jeopardizes their very existence.

These bodies could far more effectually care for the needy in their immediate vicinity were it not ior the transient in most cases unde serving beggars that infest cities and villages, especially ttiose situated on tne truuk lines. The scum of the Russian refugees those who do not want to work, and those who, doubtless, have been schnorrers at home already have swelled, this winter, the numucr oi ttiose wuo habitually prefer to live by the sweat of other people's brows. Where, in former years, two or three per day arrived, now a dozen come, and besiege the office or store ot the president and treasurer, inns we are confronted with a social evil, the abatement of which is a serious problem. One city alone is powerless to cope with it. Energetic steps have to be taken simultaneously by all, or most, of the ielief organizations in Ihe whole country.

Concerted action by all concerned may at least diminish this evil, if a total suppression should not succeed. Be it lar from us to advocate a measure which would reconnizij no poor traveler, whoBoever he may be. It would be hard, yea, impossible, to be carried out. Such a sweeping measure would do more harm than good. No rule without an exception.

Inviting public discussion and suggesting intercommu nication between the various benevolent associations on this burning question, we start from tlie following reasons, which are incontestible truths: 1. We know from experience and obser vation that every Jewish community, large or small, is benevolent enough and ever willing to assist or support worthy poor livina in the midst oi it. This wil lingness springs not only from a sense of humanitarian du'y, to which religion gives the strongest impuiso, but also from a keen sense of honor; aud ut no time was the charitable inclination, with which the Israelite is proverbially credited, more lucidly shining out than within the last fifteen months in tins country ot oui-e. We are confident that no Israeli's who 19 able to help will reluee to bestow chanty even to unwurlhy poor, when utter destitu tion stares in his lace, in our loog prac tice in this "lucrative field" with some ministers it is a specialty we can not recollect one case where an applicant from abroad eet up tlio plea of having been neglected by his co religionists, and thus indirectly forced to seek assistance away from home. Since every Jewish commu nity in America at least sufficiently provides for the home poor, no one, who has yet a particle of sell-respect left, is excusable for starting on a begging expedi tion through the country.

The Jews have always taken a pride in takiug care of their own poor, at great sacrifices, in order not to degrade their brethren in faith lo pauperism, iieuce," wnosoever conducts himself well and tries his best to earn his dally bread, will soon be favorably known 10icre he lives, and, if at all compelled to apply for charity, comes well recom mended, so mat nis petition ior renei win not be rejected. The actual help accorded to him at home is of more worth and leBs humiliating than the mites which he gathers abroad, but from which he brings very little home. And why? Because a second weighty reason for checking this nuisance is the fact that the greatest part, if not ail, of the assistance granted to itinerant beggars does them no good, inasmuch as it is absorbed in traveling expenses. Tbe railway companies get it. We will not say much about the countless instances where the recipients prove to b-; imposters, rude ingrates or shiftless individuals that leave just as destitute as they arrive.

incidents occur sometimes in this line of human industry." It is not infrequent that deaf and mute is played for the sake of exciting pity; and, strange to say, a coin dropped behind such an unfortunate's back usually restores instantly his articulate, audible speech. It beats "shrine cures." A year ago we had two such imposters arrested. But is it not time to try a combined eff jrt against this scourge? Half of the money which ia annually swallowed, if devoted to agricultural or colonizing projects, how much truly and lasting good could be accomplished thereby? We shall advance in our next article some practical suggestions. to be continued. Any of our friends who have painting to do about their bouses will fiud it a saving of money, time and annoyance to use the "Famous" ready-made paints manu factured and sold DyJonn joioe, iui Fifth Street.

HEBREWS' SECOND irrrx pbgtal Kintnsnci to Literature, Culture, and the Orifhi t4 Babbfalsm and Christianity. Isaac M. Wise, PXUIDHKT or rum KlIUW Uxiox "11M. Wo have the pleasure to-day of an nouncing this important work nearly 400 pages royal octavo, printed with the utmost care and on choice material, and bGund to order for th library or the parlor, as we expect itw Jewish families will neglect the op portunity of gracing their parlor with a book which glorifies their an cestors and tells a matchless story israel's reason, manhood, piety and julturo. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS, Tho Chriztian Standard, Cincinnati, 0.

On sll matters reJatlne to Hebrew 'iHbhintnul literature, Rabbi Wine ii entitled -peak. II is learniug and hia Ule-long devotion ucb studies, give hia utterances more than ordt tary vuIub. ills way of accounting for tbe origin flbristianitv. and hia estimate of Jesuit and ore Interesting limply oa showing how, from i purely jewinu miiupuiiii, uuu wua me uimoi? -ami or, learned Hebrew views the facts of tho-Jew Testament records. Thin volume, while complete In Itself, is a con.

Inuatiou of the history of the Jews, which a pre--Mous volume traced from Abraham to the destine-ton of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. Students- history will find this a valuable work, plainly trin en, and arranged In brief and numbered par-fgrnphB, and bearing throughout evidences oftkc and literary skill of the author, Jewish Progren, San Francisco, Cal. iuc uiiiiu lmtiui iciuiu(, nuu 1J h(ua In the history of the Jewish peoplo luuuiu fiumuuti 11, huu uuic iuc uuuipicieuess OC IftHll. tne loeical arranccment of the historical material, aud all those points that go to aaaka aa- luoresuuK ana iniiruciive dock. The Christian, St.

Louis, Mo. Tins book purport I to be a compact narrative Hebrew hlstor from 36 vears before until 7ft years after the Christian era period of time covering events of the greatest Importance in tbelr hearing on our present civilization. The fact that the author la a Jewish Rabbi would lead us te-espeet. in the work, evidence of familiarity witk Jewish history, and, for the most part, the reader will not be disappointed In this expectation. rVpatn: This tame fact would lead us to expec that those events relating to Jesun of Nazarethy and the origin of Christianity, would be Inter prctcd according toJewieh notions and proi dices; and in this respect, aain, the reader wilWiot bet-disappointed.

BO far as the mere statement and trraug emtiui oi uisioric lacis in me story oi mar lews for the neriod of time which it Dronose to. cover, excepting those events connected with th life of Jesus, the book has real merit, and may bt studied with profit by those who wish to familiar ize themselves with Hebrew history. As sympathy with any cause la absolutely essential to proper Interpretation of the facts bearing on It origin aud development. President Wise is all th iieuer quauueu 10 uuucrsianu nuu narrate history of his own people in their contact with th nagan nations about them, and tlie history of the conflict between Judaism and the various form of idolatry that sought its overthrow. For the-iame reason the author la entirely incompetent te iinderfitand aud interpret the facts of Jewish his-ory narrated In tho New Testament, and relating rt th origin and development of Christianity.

American Hebrew, The period of which this book treats Is the mom lmportaut in the history of the Jewish race as regards its development and world-miBsIon. Tea return from the Babylonian exile, the hierarchy of the High priests, the Egyptian and Syrian domination, tbe Maccabssan war, the establishment of national independence, the growth an (5 development of Jewisn loro, the rise of Gnosticism, of Christianity and the dispersion of the Hebrews far and wide among the natives of the earth with the fall of their nationality; such are tin-events and movements which crowd upon eacb other in this period with hastening foot. As tbe author himself saya iu his preface, ha-has preferred to write the history of the interior development of tbe people to an elaborate account of its wars, we are prepared for the minuteness and fullness with which the rellglo-llterary culture of the Hebrews is described. While we can not at once receive as unquestioned and unquestlons ble, certain hypotheses which are from time to time put forth in the work, such as the Identification of that discordant figure, "Acher," with Paul the Evangelist, yet critical acumen is discernible In every page. It Is, on the whole, a book entitled to rank with tho best production! of our brethren beyond the ocean, and a very creditable testimony to American scholarship.

Jewish. Advocate: While acknowledging hia Indebtedness to PrI-deaux, Raphall, Mlhnau, and other writers on thlo- Berlodof history, tho author claims that this tfr ie first book of tho kind written from "a democratic, free aud purely scientific standpoint, without referenco to political or religious preferences and considerations; also without any mysticism supernatural ism to tincture the facts." It 1 undoubtedly a plain, matter-of-fact history, dealing with the lifo of the people and describing in clear, perspicuous stylo their growth in politic and civilization. It Is no dry record of battles and court life, but a geuuina narrative of tho history of the nation in Its every-day life, with a clear in-light Into the principles, religious and political, which influenced them and bore fruit in popular Movements hitherto generally misunderstood. The arrangement of the work merits especial commendation. Its division into periods and chapters, and sub-division into paragraphs, with capital head-lines to each, renders it convenient for reference to the student as well as the ordinary reader.

Both in tho class-room and the library it deserves to occupy an honored position, and will be to both a valuable acquisition. Inventor and Manufacturer' Gazette, Boston, Mass. An able treatise I before ns treating of the Hebrews' Second Commonwealth with special reference to Its literature, culture, and the origin of rabbinism ana unriBtiamty. xne logical arrangement of the historical material, the brevity and consplcuity of the style, the strictly rational and democratic spirit of tho author's standpoint, the history of literature, and the vast amount of cultural intormation crowded Into these pages make the book a thorough exhaustive compilation an study at once Interesting and Instructive. The Hebrew, San Francisco, 0e We received this week the long expected "Ht-toryof the Hebrews' Second Commonwealth," by Rev.

Dr. I. M. Wise. We shall in a short tlino have more to say about the merits of this valuable book.

Itisnotatranslationof Dr. Gratraw-Joet'e GacMchte, but an original work, like Its predecessor, the first history of the Jews written In America by an Israelite. Dr. Wise is deserving fully ie thanks from bti co-religionists, and we have tie doubt will ceceive Blind CUth, Bua In Cloth, CUlt Edge, BUreeco Full Ut, 00 2 SO 8 69 Coinmoiiwoallb The weather beina so cold here for tbe past week that my ink froze, hence the delay in writing lo you; but now, as the beautiful weather (for which Ibis city is noted) has again returned, and my flaw of ink as plentiful as heretofore, I am once more able to write yon the doings of our people in the Kocky Mountains. We had quite an nnusual event take place last week, that of a marriage, tbe interested parties being Mr.

J. Hirscb and Hannah, daughter of Morris Nathan, the wedding being a grand event. Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch were the recipients ot many valuable presents.

As far as my judgment goes I think I will soon be able to write you another item like this. The vonni! ladies and gentlemen have organized a Literary and Social Union, and elected the following officers: Sam Freu-denburg, President Sallie Fist, First Vice-President; Minnie Arkush, Second Vice-Pcsident; Millie Bergerman, Treasurer; Carrie Fist, Secretary; Dollie Bergerman, Librarian; Sarah Nussbanm, Sargeant-at-Arms. The object of this Union is to give several eutertainments during the season, and they are at present rehearsing a play to be performed some time in feoruary. The friends of Miss Minnie Arkush ten dered her a surprise purty on the event of her birthday. Miss Minnie was the re cipient of many costly presents.

Tbe evening was spent in singing, dancing and eating. The Twin Citv Lodge, I. O. B. last Sunday installe'd the following officers: M.

Fnedmann, president; a. scnenKein, ice President M. liergennann, I reas urer: 1. I'inkelstein, Secretary; s. I'reu- denburg, Warden; A.

Bercennann, Guar dian; Xj. Adler, Monitor. Jsro. j. s.

resign from the Committee on Social and Intellectual Advancement, and Bro. L. Adler and Bro. S. M.

Freudenburg were appointed a committee to fill Ihb place. Pueiilo. January 24, JHbJ. MA.UISOS, IM. Mr.

Kronenberger, for many years a constant reader of the Amehican Israelite and one oi the most intelligent aud educated of our citizens, is now President of the Congregation Adaih Israel, of this citv. During the time that we have had no minister he acted in that capacity, and as such showed himself to be a fine He brew scholar. Mr. Kronenberger administration the congregation has gained new members. Hagar Longe, the Bmalleat nat Bnth LodL'e in District No.

2, has received the greatest honor of it existence, and the Jewish people, ot tins city, nave Deen highly complimented by the election of M. A. Marks, oi this city, as President of the District Grand Lodge No. 2. rlis election is an honor worthily bestowed.

He was born in this city, January 30, 1853. and is the youngest man who has ever held the position. He thought early in lite of studying law and making a practice of that profession, but drifting while young into mercantile pursuits no soon Decame so engaged in business that it became neceBsarv for him to give his entire atten tion to it. Yet he has constantly and de- servcdly'risen in prominence. This iB not tbe first honor that he has recived from secret societies.

He wastiie last representative from the Grand Lodge I. O. Red Men of this State, to the L-irnnu Lodge of the United States Ho is also a leading member of the Masons, UJd I'eiiows, Knights of Honor, Foresters and Koyal Arcanum. We predict and hope for him a still brighter future, as he richly de serves it. I notice often monuments built over the graves or in dillerent places, to com mem-orate the virtues of some honored dead It seems to me that the Jewish people of this country, and especially of your city, could do no grander deed of justice than by erecting a monument over the grave of tlie late li'yman Moses, so that its spire might point heavenward to his last eternal home.

His life was devoted to charitable deeds. No one in distress ever sought his assistance in vain indeed where he knew of destitution and suffering it was no1 necessary to call him he sought it out that he might alleviate it. Hia memory needs no monument to sustain it, it will live without one, yet the record of his deeds call lor sucn a tribute, justice. January 28, 1883. ST.

LOUIS. "Whore ts thi glory they left thee In trust? "l'ln buricu in darkness, 'lis tumbled in dust.1 Having waited for some man mightier than I to notice the proposed scheme to colonize t'alestino with unristian com nm nities I beheld and there waa no man and no counselor," though one ot" your correspondents firinlv believes iu the restoration of our people to the land of our iathers. Shali this be left to those who have not a birthright in our fore fathers' land? The promises are made unto us aud our descendants to regain that glorious country described a9 flowing with milk and honey, selected by Abraham's God for his chosen people. Per haps the time is not yet fit, and the Eternal will, iu his own time, bring to pnss that which he has promised; but God helps those who help themselves, Holds good. Money ib tbe engine which pushes work, tnereiore we are a mouey-maKing people, but.

shall the thirst for wealth usurp heroism? Have we no longer men of courage, men who would dare to do or die in a just cause, say the restoration i of our country to its rightful owners? Have the present ease and excessive world-liness quenched the fires that burned in the bosoms of our ancestors? 'Where are ttic spirits of yore; The spirltn that breathed til our AriBe, Israel. Snake off dull, sloth turn from the golden calf; put away all thy idols disdain honors bestowed upon you by strangers work a little for tbe redemption of your country, that we once more may take our place, a nation among the nations of tlie earth. The load is off my heart. I've been to see Langlry, the far-famed. While I think her beauty is exaggerated, her acting is underrated, however.

St. Louisiana were generally disappointed in her. She is more beautiful than impassioned. There is a harmony of style, which is beauty. To me she appeared graceful rather than splendid.

The most lovely countenance is Btill not perfect, but has some irregular features or defect. I looked for Freddie, but did not see him. He has had the better reception. His manly conduct in punching the reporter's nose waa recognized, and he has been royally dined, wined and lionized. Moral When man calls a reporter a coward and cur, he is no true friend of that reporter.

Eben Ezra Lodge, I. O. B. No. 47, held an election of officers, with the following result: President, O.

Treichlinger; Vice-President, Simon Drukker; Treasurer, M. Michaels; Secretary, M. Linz; Inside Guardian, Chae. Moss. Delegates to District Grand Lodge, Iaidor Bush, Jacob Furth, M.

Michaels. Progress is the watchword of this en terprising city. Our btethren here are beginning to work for the noble purpose of making Ju daism what it should and will be the living monument of humanity, cDarity auu benevolence. To begin with, the Congrega'ion Rodef Sholem, under the religious guidance oi the able scholar, the Rev. Philip Shreiber, is beginning to lie a congregation in fact as well as in name.

Our Ladies' Benevo lent Society is active and doing good work. We bave also a Hebrew Children's Benevolent Society, which is making good progress, and it is a pleasure and speaks well for the parents, to see their anxiety to give their dimes to assist the needy. We have also recently started an Aux-iliarv Drnhnn Society- to asslat to support that grand institution in Cleveland. Anu last nut noc least iv Youngstown Lodge. No.

338, I. O. B. last Sundav. the Worthy Giand Officer Jacob Rohrbeimer officiating.

The first officers-elect are M. Weinberg, President Hnrcbberg, vice-rresiuent L. JShrman, Secretary; 15. L. Guthman, Financial Secretary A.

Laucr, Treasurer D. Ttieobald, J. Strauss and M. Wolf, Trustees. It has a membership of forty to start with, which is a good beginning, and I hope the good work once uegun will gain in enthusiasm and prove tnattne of ihin i-itv are readv to perform their duly as the banner-bearers of that noble race.

H. January 29, 1883. PROVIDENCE, li. I. The officers of Hugcai Lodge, No.

132, I. 0. B. 15., were duly installed on holi day, January 7th, by acting Grand President Lewis H. Kahn, assisted by ex-President Henry Green.

The following arc the officers: President, D. Frank; Viee- President, N. Conn Recording secretary, Lewis H. Kahn; Financial Secretary, M. Hirsh Treasurer, J.

Richman Representative to Grand Lodge, Myer Noot. The officers of Providence Ledge, No. 78, 1. O. F.

S. of were doly installed on last Sunday Dy acting uranu nianier r. Hnrtman. "The following are tbe officers President, Robert Ilellman; Vice-President, Jacob JackBon Recording Secretary, D. Frank Financial Secretary, Lewis H.

Kahn; Treasurer, J. Richmau. The officers of Judah Touro Lodge, No. 59, I. 0.

B. were installed on last Sunday evening, the 14th by acting Grand Mamer S. H. Spitz, assisted by acting Deputy Grand Maslor David Frank and Grand Conductor Robert Ilellman. The following are the officers President, L.

Harlmnu: Vice-President, Myer Noot; Recording Secretary, Lewis II. Kahn Financial Secretary, G. Rodenberg; Treasurer, A. Cohen Representatives to Grand Lodge, John II. Spitz and llartman.

The Lidiea' Hebrew Benevolent As- ciation elected the following officers at their meeting held Sunday, January 14th Gentleman President, Leopold Hartman T.ndv President. Mra. L. Dimond: Vice- President; Mrs. B.

B. Lederer; Recording i. fi. secreiury, j.uwm aj. xtuiiu, iuaui.ifw rctary, Mrs.

L. Green Treasurer, Mrs. J. ShumaD. January 24, 1833.

FT. WAYNE, INI). The convention of the Grand Lodge, I B. District No. 2, terminated after a session of three days, January 21st, 231 and 24th.

It was truly a gala weeK tor the Jewish community ot rl. Wayne, filled with different sociabilities, including a vocal and instrumental concert, banquet and ball. No doubt yonr valuable paper has al ready announced the workings of tbe Grand Lodge, so comment on that score is superfluous. I will, however, dwell upon the Bocial events. The delegation consisted of men of intelligence and rep resentative Israelites, and would reflect credit upon any organization.

A ftmnd vocal and instrumental concert was given Sunday evening, January 21st, at Union Hall, by our Jewish amatour talent, which was largely attended by the delegates. The feature of the programme was the superb vocalizition ol Misses Emma Falk, Agatha Lamoriy ana uarrie inner, miss Falk astonished her auditors by her ren- litionof the dilhcult song, lower Girl bv Beorunanie. which was received with prOIOUUU appmutw. one respuuueu hilu t.i i Liob inn charming ballad, "Adieu," sur- nrisine even her local friends. Miss Falk recently maue ner ueuut.

in opsra, singing the title role. Miss Agatha Laufcrty sang the dilhcult, nernani, lteacue Me," by Verdi, responding with Arditi's charming Waltz song. one possesses a clear svmnathetic soprano, under excellent cut t.ivauon.nnu receiveu voci'uruuu appiuuse. Miss Carrie Fisher used her rich contralto voice to excellent advantage in the duet with Miss Falk, in Gunibert's popnhir song, Uueeriuiness. Mr.

win iriena provoked great merriment in ins neorew (tmleCl BTUmp-speeen ukcwihh iuo read ing of Miss Jucy uusuner displayed Histrionic ability. Miss Freda Weiler ren dered some excellent piano solos, assisted by Miss Belle Becker and Mr. T. Frank. Mr.

1-Iorraan and Miss I-Inttio Friebnrger played on violin and piano very effectively, and were loudly encored On Monday night a grand banquet was served at library Hall. The use of this imposing edifice was tendered by ourCatholic friends for the This raagnaoimnus act on their part seta an example of religious tolerance that poiuts triumphantly to the enlightenment and progress ol society. Three hundred guests filled the spacious hall, nud the spiring strains of Prof. Reineke's splendid orchestra added to the splendor of the occasion. Toasti were responded to as follows: "Welcome," M.

Frank, Ft. Wnyne, 'Orphan Asylum," Julius Furth, St. Louis, Onr Endowment," Isador Bush, St. Louis, "Oar Guests," Isaac Lauferty, Ft. Wayno, Our Country," Joseph Abraham, Cincinnati, "The Ladies," M.

A. Marks, Madison, Ind. "Our Oily," Mayor Zollinger; impromptu toast of Judge Lowry, Member of Congress. After the bauquet tbe guests repaired to the Academy of MiiBiit, the grand ball ending the festivities. The costumes of the ladies were conspicuous for their grandeur.

January 29, 1883. ICmek Bakaciia. A Noted Town. James Buchinan lived in Lancaster, Pa. It was there also that Miehler's Herb Bitters first were offered to the public, more than a nuarter of a century ago.

Mr. John of Lancaster, -said in a letter to a triend that, i nave nao atoucn oi the lock-jaw for five or six weeks. I was laid up of course. I could find no relief until I UBed Bitters, which cured me in one week." This remedv is in dorsed by tbe multitudes. It deserves tbe success which it has attained.

KOlMAPtlA. The emigration of JeB from Koumnnia is proceeding at an unprecedented rate. At the same time the attitude of the authorities is becoming harsher from day to day. A restrictive law has just been passed auecilog not the trading class ol Jews, but Jews serving in the army. By tine utw uii strangers are suoject iu mill tary service, but are incapable of promotion.

The term strangers." our reuders mnst be aware, is in Roumauia a covert term for Jews. Another law of recent enactment is to the effect that no Jewish trader unable to meet his liabilities is to be adjudged bankrupt, but is to be treated. as one obtaining money under false pre tenses, rnis law is evidently intended to lead to the exclusion of the Jews from all trade by imposing on them such condi tions, under these circumstances it must be a source of satisfaction to see the Jews leave the country where their coudition is growing worse daily, and appears almost hopeless. A law has been passed in Roumauia prohibiting Jews from acting as factors to manufacturers and merchants. Hundreds of Jewish families have been thus de prived of their lireud.

A Jew named Ro- senzweig has recently been sentenced to two years' imprisonment and to pay a fine of 1,000 francs for transgressing the law in question. M. Maperhofer, a Jewish banker at Jasy, recently had a law euit with a Christian in that city. In the course tlie pleadings he had occasion to contradict a statement advanced by the advocate of the other party, when he was assaulted by tbe advocate in open court. eor tins the Judges nncd mm forty trance.

This incident was made the subject of comment by the press, who laughed at the fact that the price of an assault on a Jewish banker is only forty francs! Jewhh nonet. We recently mentioned that on the strength of proposals in tavor of an emigration ol Jews to Mexico, nearly throe hundred Jewisn families residing in Kon-mania had expressed their readiness to settle in that Republic. The measures which the Mexican Government are prepared to adopt in tlie interests of Jewish settlers are extremely favorable in their nature, and may be briefly summed up as follows: The emigrant families will have tbe right of claiming the reimbursement of their traveling expenses. Land will be placed at ther disposal and they will be supplied with all the necessary agricultural implements. They will, in addition, be exempted during a period of ten years from every kind of impost.

They will receive the rights of citizens and will be nt liberty to, elect municipal functionaries irom among tneir body. Liberty ot con science is guaranteed, as the Republic does not recognize any State religion. The Jews could with safutv follow their re- religious practices and celebrate the ceremonies of their church, but not in the public thoroughfares, all processions being Sternberg's Opinion ot Steele's Grand American Art Journal. I r.m anxious to express my thanks for tne glorious concert tiranu wnicn yon placed at my service lor the concert ves terday. Although one ought not to draw comparisons in art.

matters, I nevertheless must state my opinion that the firm of George Stcck of New York, have surpaeseil everything that lias been accomplished hitherto in the way of procuring volume and beaut of tone and even ness of the scale for the pianist. The public, ns well as myself, are indebted to you for enabling them to hear this mag- nincent instrument, whenever, in my my travels, I come across a Steck Grand Piano, you may be assured I shall prefer it to every other instrument, for now I am acquainted with its exquisite properties, COXSTANTIK StERNBEUO. There is a rare chance for getting bargains at the annual clearing Bale now in progress at IS. Alkemeyer 115 Court Street. All the opera requisites, such as L'loves.

neckwear, can be had at the John Shillilo Company at less rates for tbe same quality than at any other phce in the city. Messrs. Gkeex Go. have opened a shoe store at 200 West Fourth Street with a very lino lino of ladies' and gentlemen's custom-made boots and shoes, which they nre eening at me very lowest prices. Messrs.

Isxes Co. were the first house in this city to introduce brass fire places, and have now the largest and best selected stock to be fonnd in Cincin nati. These fire-places are beautifully de signed and finished, and by far surpass iu iuu iiuuveuccn inn uiugy iron ure-piace wu nave uitueriu ueen accustomed to see in our houses. A call of inspection is in vited. Mrs.

C. C. Coupes has removed to her new store. 154 W. Fourth Street, near Elm, where she will be pleased, to see her mends and customers.

'Tis the week of Opera Festival, Offering music lor attraction; For good taste, the Export Nonpareil, 27nu we meet itnd purl with sjlisfaolion. To enjoy an evening's Opera well First drink it- S'-hncidar's Xmijtareil. A SURE CURE for all diseases of the Kidnoyo and LIVER It hna opeciflo action on this most Important orpan, enabling it to throw off torpidity and inaction, stimulating tho healthy accretion of tho Bile, and by keeping tho bowels in irco condition, effecting its regular dischargo. WiEt I tVS Ti If you nromiffbrinff from fiWiCSJc3ir iU malaria, havo tho chills, nro bilious, dyspeptic, orconstlpatcd, Kidney-Wort will reliovo and quickly euro. In the Sprinfr to cleanflo tho Syatcm, ovary ono Bhould ta a thorough courao oi it, il- SOLD BY DRUGGISTS.

PrlCOt. LOUISVILLE. Great snrprise is felt" here that no mention of our Fair was made in your paper, jor, considering the email scale on wuinh it was orgai.izeiit its buccess was beyond our hopes and worthy of fome notice. On the evenings of the 20ih, 27th and of December the vestry-room of the Temple, with ve gayly-fesiooned stands, attended to by the ladies of the Sewing Circles and surrounded by a throng ol" happy faces, presen td a pleasant apiearane. All seemed in the best humor, determined to enjoy themselves nU'l to spend all their money.

This was ea-ily distributed among the ladieb of the rallling, fancy Uwer and candy btands, Kebecca at the Well" and the "Od Lady in the Shoe." Oa entering the rentaurant a great atiraulioii a donun young ladies pumiced on you, and then yon were daintily served with whatever you might call for. From noon until two o'clock a wurm dinner wsr served to lurge number of people, and thus the rcMaurant realized a large amount. The ladies, who spared neither time nor trouble at the Fair, felt Weil repaid when it was learned that fifteen hundred dollars was the result. Of this sum one thou-Htnd dollars was L'iven to the Relief Fund iiuard'to invest ub the foundation for larger tuna. jnews.

January 24, 1883. PIIILAIMJIA'IIIA. Last Saturday night tlio young mop's course ot the X. m. it.

A. was con tinued bv Emanuel Furth. hia sub ject being Judas Maccabeus. Mr. Furth, who is the youngest member of our State Legislature, has just been honored by the Speaker of the House of Representatives wild the chairmanship ol the Committee on Municipal Corporations.

A regular meeting of the Associate Or ganization was held at the Rooms last Sunday. It being the meeting prescribed by tlio Constitution for tlio election of officers, a ballqt was taken, resulting in the election ol the following: 1'rcsident, Jt'liinp 11 wenbacn Vice-PreBitlont, Unas. Kose-luui Secretary, Jacob Weyl Correspond-ir Secretary, Herbert Allmnn Editor, Augustus Weinlander. One hundred and thirty-eight votes were cast. A resolution of tnnnka to the retiring officers was ased, and, after further business, the meeting adjourned.

Mr. Silberman bequeathed $500 to the .1 -wish Hospital, S300 to the Society of the United Hebrew Charities, S200 to tlio German Hospital, and $200 to Familien Waisen Erzieliungs Verein. The Grand Lodge F. and A. Maaona has appointed Sir.

William Hackenburg as a member of the Committee on Appeals. This week's Jewish Record contains a letter in which the Rev. S. Itlorais shows cause for his former objections to performing marriages after sunset, and quotes loomed authorities to prove that the practice is permissible, and is in vogue among orthodox Jews abroad. On Friday Prof.

Angelo Heilprin delivered, at the Acudemy of the Natural So ences, the third of the series of lectures on Physiography. The subject treated was that of the mechanically formed sedi-mentarv rocks, involving a consideration of the formation and methods of occur rences of shales, clays and sand stones. Several Hebrews of Philadelphia have contributed largely to the relief of ihe Fiill'crers by the floods in Germany, Dr. il irwitz, of the Democrat, lending the sub tenption with a thousand dollars. January 29, 1833.

Obskkvek. Dakota. In the crowded East there are many neonle who are looking tor a uesirable to cation for farming, stock raising or other pursuits. Allow me, through your columns, to call their attention to Dakota the "Garden ol the West." In the Bismarck (Dakota) land district there is now the best opportunity in the United States tor the BOleciton ot Home Htead, pre-emption or tree culture claims under the public land lows. The district is larger than the State of New York, ami it contains many million acres of public land absolutely free to any who will come and take.

The Missouri River passes on its wind iiig course to its connection with the Father of Waters six hundred miles through this land district. The stream is mivisable for the largest steamers. Its b'niks are Bkirted with limber, and beie are broad anil fertile valleys and plains equal to tbe best on the lace ol tlio enrtti for orain or stock-crowing. Tuie valley is practically unsettled. There is room in it for many thousands.

who can take land under the public land laws without money and witnout price, From one end of this valley to the other ock feed and grow tat summer ana win ter, without provision for fodder, on the nutritious buffalo grass common to the ountry. Timber oak. ash. maple, elm and Cot tonwood is abundant; tbe water is pure and healthful, Everthing that is grown in more Southern countries grow Here, in Bismarck laborers are in great demand at wa-'cs as follows: Ciarpentors, fci.ou to day; about the same; common laborers, $2.50 to $3 per day; farm bunds. S35 to $45 per month stock herd i.

10 to $50 Dermonth. Dnringhnrvest hands are paid S3 and $4 per day. Living IB as reasonable as in the btates. F. M. Bismabck, D. January 3, 1883. t3TDiamond Dyes will color anything any color, and never fail. The easiest and Jjest way to economize, icu cemu, ai an ELOCH Publishers, CINCINNATI.


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