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The American Israelite from Cincinnati, Ohio • P261

The American Israelite from Cincinnati, Ohio • P261

Cincinnati, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. 261 ier which the Jews throw around Tho Rev. H. S. Jacobs lectured Messenfcr, the following verse made a graphic appearance SAN FRANCISCO.

That is business. There are any number of men who have an idea that they can write and, worse than that, interest their readers abor duss ist (er Wahu der Jugond. We have in this city a Meshume.d named Pixley, a Scotch-American Mcshumcd, who, jn order to cover his origin and his extraordinary large noso, takes great pains every week to himself with it. They were perfect strangers among us as a community. Mr.

Xe-A'sfadt was forty-five yeara of age, died alone and unattended, with the exception his landlady no friends, no relatives, Ida bedside when he died. Yoiiui? Blilz also died alone, for consciousness hud censed before he was found. ith atiind now before their Creator; their rym urn opened, and they know ere this that Judaism needs living members, true exponents of its religion of light and of truth; not the dead praise the Lord, not hose that go down in silence, but we, living, praise and bless the Lord from now evermore. Sliii'O the earth was closed above these two men, we have been called upon to deposit into mother earth two lovely blossoms which would have become -fragrant flowers if thoy had been spared by an before the Ahawath Chesed Association on Thursday night, his subject sing At Home and Abroad." A concert-prelude and fuguo by Otto Floursheim was phtved for the first time by Thomas' Orchestra at lis week's popular concert. The critics generally praise this effort of young and talented Jewish com poser.

The oporette company of the haliii Theater begin a week's engage ment at the Fifth Avenuo Theater.on ubruary 12th. Milloeoker's new operette, Grrofin Dubiirry," will be produced with Frau Raberg, Frl. Galster, Frl. Jules and Herren Klein, Adolphi and Wilke. The Itnlics are mine.

J. W. tHerr Franzos recontly wrolo to Dr. A. Isaacs, ot this city, a notu.

wherein bo otiitod that ho whs born a Jew. and Mill adhered, and would ever adhere, to tne old nutu. Assertions to the contrary mvu frequently been made. Juman Werneu. January 27, 18S3.

COLUMBUS, GA. It is not ofton that I intrudeon the BDace your valnablo paper, and hope there- lore, mac you win near witn me tma time in Bunding you a rather lengthy communi cation. (Joniri-oEation B'nai Israel elected tho following oflicers for the ensuing year: President, Solomon Loeb Vice-President, L. Banner; Secretary and Treasurer, L. Lowentlial Trustees, L.

Meyer, Jacob lvninuinn and 1. 11. uauriel. Our OonureKation has about thirtv-six members, but no minister; and service ia onducteu. every t'riuay night bv Mr.

1. Beascover. Our Sabbath-school, with about lifty scholars ou its roll, is superintended oy Mr. i. 11, iiauriei, assisted by some ol or vouiie ladies, and is indeed in a nour ishing condition.

Some of the many readers of the Amuiu can Ibiubmtk may read this article and can not comprehend how a congregation of ilnriy-six mem Der in one ot the largest cities of tbe South, can be without a minister, "tsut true it is, 'tis pity, and pity 'Mb, 'tis true." The fact is this, that we have tried, in tbe past few yearB, to get a minister here. We always succeeded in getting somebody, but never got a minister; consequently the members ol the congregation got disgusted and did not care whether toey tiau a minister or not. Now. alter the election of our officers. who are nearly all young and energetic men.

vour humble correspondent has not the least doubt but that if a young man, who can sneak uerman and ILnirliah. can conduct services on Friday night and Sat urday morning ana teach our children Hebrew, will correspond with the secretary of the congregation, he can get such information, if BUitable and accepted, as to warrant him a satisfactory salary and a warm-hearted and sociable greeting into our midst, and by co-operation with the members of the congregation, will soon have one of the most flourishing congregations in the South. In connection with this I will state that at our last regular meeting it was resolved for our congregation to affiliate with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, and application has been mudo accordingly. In social circles the good work is still going on. We are having our lotto and solo parties every week, and our good ladies are always collecting small amounts for some good or charitable purpose.

At present tney are making collections and soon will have enough to have the seata ol our synag'-gue repaired. Mrs. Isaac Wile and children and her sister, MiBS Adelheid, from Buffalo, N. wno nave neon stopping several weeks with their relatives, returned to their Northern home again. It rumors are true.

Miss Adelheid will soon come South again and exchange Buff, for Green. L. January 22, 1883. KAKSAS CITY. For the nast few months ourcommunitv has received many exciting shocks which will undoubtedly leave lasting impressions among a great many ot our co-rehgiomsts.

First came ou the morning of the 25th of December tue announcement of the mysterious death of Jacob Blitz. Tbe de ceased, although young in vears if we are correctly mlorined, he was not yet twenty-live yearaof age had already made bis mane among tue musical talent ot our city, lie was tne leader of the upera house orchestra, Hansen being an necom plistied violinist. In the evening ol the 2-lth he played in the German Theater, and at 8 a. M. next day he was found in his room in a dying condition, with a bul let in his bead.

11 -aides the young man only one person nau oeen in tne room, God alone knows, besides that one party, in whose hand the weapon was that pro duced the fatal wound. The young man lingered in a comatose state for about one hour, and. then expired. Tbe parents ol the deceased, who, although living here for years, were not identified with any of our Jewish institutions, received all consideration possible at the hands of our community in their dire affliction. Toe young man himself was, if nut a stranger among Jen-s, a stranger in Judaism.

He now rests with his fathers. A strange coincident. The grave of young itss is next to iat ol a man whom we buried here a few weeks pievious, oi whom no one ever Knew lie was a Jew-Mr. Newslink, formerly a partner of Bullene, of this city, never associated with Israelites. He was but known toafew lead ing merchants; but strange to Bay no one supposed htm to be of Jewish parentage.

He died after a brief illness, and all ar rangements were made to burv him from the Upiscopal Church, which, it is told with what accuracy we know not he usually attended. Letters were found among his papers from a sister living in London, England. A telegram conveyed to her the sad news, which sho speedily answered, saying Bury my dear brother in the Jowish burying place. The matter was at once placed bet re the Drooer authorities, and it was decided to fulfill I ho request of the Bister. And so we did.

These two graves speak volumes, and would to uou our Jewish young men could road the thoughts Uuu are produced by those two heaps of earth. Here aro two men, who tn their spheres, could have been and become ornaments to our community. They both may have been good Israelites at heart, i. thev may have esteemed their lineage as sacredly as others, but beyond this all-was vacancy. 01 Judaism, both knew, if anything, but little, and neither ol them had identified of nt i a their household.

Tho seclusion of the family, so purely oriental in its character, is something which the rohsh rabbi takes particular pains to teach. This hiding of what is the finest trait the Jew possesses, that love and peaco which dwell in his ionic, that reverence which children have for their parents, that sacrifico of everything to his affections, because it is never known, has tended mote than anything else to alienate the jew irom his neighbor. Among the ultra-orthodox Jews, whether they live in Odessa, Cracow, Frankfort, London or New York, their doors are inhospitably closed to those of another belief. Has there been transmitted some instinct engendered by mistrust? Is Judaism, then, so sensitive a plant that it should wither by mere contact? If to live it must have seclusion it approaches closely to the Eastern ideas of a. woman's virtue, something wanting tho protection of high walls and difficult ap proaches, in our age any religion which requires exclusiveness, so that it may exist, is hardly worth the keeping.

All that intelli gent Jews are doing to-day is to take advantage of their freedom. They are trying to rid themselves of that incubus which is weighing them down. That large and increasing number of reformers and reform syn agogues, springing up in the large cities of Western Europe and the United States the decadence, the difficulty of maintaining synagogues of pure orthodox Jews; the com plaints, the lamentations which are constantly heard from the mouths of ortnouox ministers aim uieir over what they call the neglect of religious observances, show that the time ot change has come. 1 What does as much as anything else to miure the Jew and to make man kind his enemy, is that belief he entertains that he is the race 'God cherishes That is, indeed, tribalism. Selected by the Creator us his special favonteB, pious Jews think that to them all blessings shall be given.

Once it was be lieved that a Jew's brain- was made of a finer material, that he was less subject to dementia than others. Some very sad personal observations assure the writer that such is not the case. If anything in that struggle lor wealth in which the Jews engage in the large cities of the United btates, thev have children more prone to leeble-mindedness than unristians What then is reform, this Jewish reform? It is pure, unadulterated monotheism? It believes that men, though thev may expound religion can not create it. It looks on the Talmud, as did Emanuel Deutsch as the most poetical, the most confusing of chronicles but utterly worthless for the guidance ot any human being A curiosity, patched over, embroid ered bv a thousand different hands something to be placed in a cabinet to be gazed on, but practically use less for human instruction as would be the Arthurian romances. Oh, the olla nodrida of nonsense in it I And still it shapes the lives of millions of Jews it warps their ways, tor it is almost- their only book.

These performers sicken over those attemots ot crass ignorance which. through the borrowed sanctity of a ny salaried omce, assume uie direction of educated intelligence. The ma jority of these reformers are utterly indifferent to dietary regulations. Can peace with God, a resurrection of the soul, after the death of the body, entrance to heaven, have any tiling lo uu Willi tue eating ui usvi lusk Uould tne great ureator nav made food for one man which an other dare not eat? Trivialities mixed up in religion, debase it, weak en it, sap it to its very vitais. stronger, more hearty belief must emancipate itself from puerilities, reformed Jew can not be a mate rialist, though he may strip religion ot its symbolisms.

Sidney P.osenfeld has written new play tor iuiss Minnie luauaern The Storm King, which will short ly be produced at one of the Balti more theaters. Falk, the artist-photographer, has on exhibition a crayon portrait ot Peter Cooper, which laithlully and spiritedly reproduces the benign lea tures ot our venerable and revere philanthropist. Mr. Falk's gallery is well worth visiting. The Y.

M. II. A. is about to ex tend the sphere of its usefulness in direction where much good may come of the enort. A down-town branch will soon be established in the neigl: borhood of East Broadway and Ca nal Street.

A committee, consisting ol Messrs. Mark Ash, William Levin- son, M. W. Platzek, E. M.

Kersheedt and Uaumgnrten is working ener getically, and hopes speedily to open a tree reading-room anil tree library for the use of co-religionists dwelling in a locality where such privileges will no doubt be largely used and appreciated. I have been informed that already some eighty applicants far membership in the proposed down town branch have been made. Under the auspices of the Ladies Dramatic Union a performance of Patience" by talented amateur will shortly be given at Chickering Hall. In place of Mr. A.

H. Allen, resigned, Mr. L. Karper was recently elecled President of the Union. The above-mentioned entertainment will be given for the benefit of tbe Mount Sinai Hospital, Training School for Nurses arid the Ladies' Lying-in Relief Society.

of Lot the world talk, my friends; that world, we know Which calls us guilty, can not make us so, In spite ol Illinois and in spite of wit, If to ourselves we cao ourselves acquit, Utitber stand, up, assured with conscious pride, Alone, than err with millions on our Biue. J'aimo Vlioneur et non les Jioneur8.n We. prefer honor to honors, said a French writer a century ago, and it is our shibboleth to-day, notwithstanding the hy brids or society fidj in fflloft aud) ftaiij abfiub nctiiirbot, (56 gibt bod) 'nm aBtin." Patience and perseverance. We must yet succeed. People will not readily submit and admit their mistakes; finally, however, it must come to it.

We have faith in justice and a retribution. We will yet cry in chorus, except one: Safit un3 jut CaScttc tretcn Sietjtin Sontttiibtitf ju (ctjau'n; 2ajjt.uit6 (aitteit, tuiccn, Men, Undent alten (Sott uertvau'n 1" 31mm. Faith with a will goes further than whitewash. ol. L.

t. KociiESTEit, N. Jan. 20, 1883. NEW TOUR.

Miss Emma Lazarus' talent as a writer, both of verse and prose, has so often been cordially acknowledged in this lournal, that this lady will par don me if I express the opinion that her paper in the current Venturu, on the "Jewish Problem," is not calcu lated to increase her literary reputa tion, or to exert un influence for good upon the minds ot Uhnstian readers. That an American-Jewish writer should bo far permit her sympathies for her oppressed co-religionists to warp her good judgment and give voice to the wishes of dreamers and enthusiasts, however well-meaning these may be, is a thing to be deeply uepioreu. xt is oaa enough that in certain portions of Europe there should be a Jewish problem, but does that lustily Miss Lazarus in magnily ing the petty annoyances to which some of us have been subjected at tashionable summer resorts into acts of injustice? And yet does she not do this when she says that in these closing decadeB of the nineteenth century the long-sullering Jew is still universally exposed to injustice Will Miss Lazarus be good enough to point out a single instance where injustice has been done to any citizen ot this country because of his religion? If she can not, she must confess to have written carelessly on a stibiect cer tainly important enough to require the most painstaking treatment. Again, Miss Lazarus aBserts that to-day it is no exaggeration to say that when ever two Israelites ot ordinary intelligence come together the possibility nay, the probability, of again forming a milieu iiauuu is eenuusiy uiscusseu Yes, Miss Luzarus, this is an exag geration; and so unwarranted that one marvels how any Israelite, not a persecuted Kussian or Hungarian could ever have uttered or written it. During the past year the writer has had the good lortune to Jews of all Bhades of religious opinion from the extremely orthodox mem bers of the Portuguese synagogue to the radically reform supporters of Dr.

Kohler's Sunday service project, but he has never heard uny one even utter the word Palestine, much less express a desire to become united as a nation. And what was my experience has been, I am sure, that of all or nearly all other American Israelites. This being the case, our friends of the Christian press will do well to regard Miss Lazarus' views as entirely her own. If your senior editor ever thought I exaggerated when I wrote of the inditierentism nowadays rampant among the young Israelites of New York, what ho saw at Chickering Hall last Tuesday night might have convinced him of the contrary. Fif teen years ago the announcement that the Rev.

Dr. Isaac 51. Wise would lecture in this city would have filled a- hall much larger than that where the Y. M. H.

A. gives its chief entertainments. Un tuesdny night the most widely known Jewish rabbi in America, and whom we but sel dom have an opportunity of hearing, spoke to an audience that just about halt tilled Uhickermg irlall. Blake a note of this, Messrs. Optimists.

How the distinguished rabbi was listened to with great attention, and among his hearors were the Key. Dr, Kohler, the Rev. H. P. Mehdes, the Rev.

Dr. Wintner, of Brooklyn, the Rev. H. S. Jacobs, the Rev.

A. P. Mendes, of London, England. Dr, Wise's friends observed with pleas ure that the years had not in any way diminished tho fervor and vigor of his eloquence, and that his voice still retained hb wonted power and clear ness. The literary and musical exer cises following the lecture were quite interesting.

Miss Belle Boveo is an intelligent and dramatic reader, and Miss Fannie liirsch's tacile singing of one of Arditi's waltzes gave much pleasure. To the American edition of Karl Emil Franzos't- Jews of Barnow (New York: D. Appleton Mr. Barnet Pmllips contributes a pre face quite as interesting as the book itself. It is indeed a remarkable piece of writing, as may be seen from the following extracts: "What FranzoB shows markedly is that bar- Tlio engagement of Miss Annie Sheideman, daughter of tlio ex-President of the late Dr.

Vidaver's congregation, with the Hon. E. L. Stern (whose father ia an old and inlimnte friend of Dr. Wise, of the Amuiucan ISKAiu.rris), has been an nounced, anu uiougu i am very chary in reporting such announcements, I must, in this case, deviate from the rule marked out for myself and tell the thousands of readers who devour the Amuiucan Israeli that the highly accomplished Miss Sheideman, whose father is both a gentleman and a scholar, has found a star that never sets.

It is one of those engagements where money does, not play an important part in any of the acts, and neither he prelude nor the denouement are calculated to rellect upon either of the two houses, both which stand high ia our social circles and are not wedded to coin, though there ia much of it, particularly on the Sheideman side, who is part owner of the largest woolen factory on this coast and a partner of Brown one of the largest clothing manufacturers in the world. The friends of the contracting parties will join me in wishing both Chosen and Kallah much joy. The Masters have all been installed they have taken their seats in the East and look for all the world witli their brand new stovepipes as though they had just come out of the bandbox. Do you know that I like the Masons? They are very clever fellows, especially those who invite us to their chap ter reunions and are not oblitred to pledge their jewels in order to pay the piper. The Jews love Masonry, because they are fond of mystic rites and because there is so much seconri-hanu Judaism in it.

Doctors Eclcman und Vidaver, ot blessed memory, were Master Masons, but they never attended a meeting after they were "raised," ana the lormer was, in i860, cited before Lebanon Lodge, of this city now defunct to answer charges brought against him for having spoken in uncomplimentary terms ol bolomon's ashler. lleuid not re spond. He told a member of the commission who waited upon him that he could not afford to attend to their summons: that his calling was higher, loftier and fraught with much more responsibility than the Masonic mumblings, and he was left alone. Colin was initiated in Fidelity Lodge, in this city, lbbi he still remains an apprentice sensible man; ho saw that it was vanity and desired no lurlher vexation oi spirit. Christmas trees are becoming quite fashionable among our Jews, and so are Buicides and other little incidentals which charac terize those who denounce the chosen few.

I see that the lie brew Standard inveighs against Jewish Christmas trees quite an anamoly, to be sure, but then what are you going to do about The young Jews are running this country, and they are doing it effect ively since their lathers, who have not succeeded in mastering the King's English in forty years, can not afford lo sav a word airainst it. This is without a doubt the finest Medeenah in the world. The boys hold the edge, and the fathers, though they do not grin worth cent, bear it just the same as though they were just delivered from Siberia. What are Christmas trees anyway? The same, I lake it, as kisses at donation parties I have been there, and know all about it. ft is a new, novel way of introducing strange fellows to stranger servant-girls, and that's all there's about it take my word for it.

I remember it distinctly as though it happened but thirty years ago, and what's the use ol making a i'uss about it? I liked it then, and if I were a young man lo-day would enjoy it stilt. I'll tell you what it is: That man Koppell" must not cut any Uhnstmas capers, lor 1 don like it, and if I tell you I don like it, there's an end of it. I wear the belt on the subject, and will allow no man. not even a Lone Star individual, to enter the ring with me. The pith of this story is right here: There is no man Jiv ing in this country excepting no one who is better acquainted with the beginning of Jesus of Nazareth, according to Jeshuah Hanotzra" and the addendum of Tom V'mood." I will brook no opposition in that regard, be it Bostohia" or Koppei" no dif ference 1 got lickings enough to waae through that mess oi non eense to last me to the end ot my days, and I will allow no man that is private, of course to write about my countryman, Jesus, un less he got licked the same as did.

Koppei von Koppelowski is doing quite well. Give him a chance and He will advance from a chasan to a minister. I begin to like him as he grows older like unto the firewater of our friend Bostonia. Heights of great men readied and kept Were not attained bv sue) den flieht But they, while their companions slept, insult the Jews in his pnper, the Argonaut. That he is a forcible writer no sensible man can denv that he is Iiosho and a scoundrel of the fii'Bt magnitudo no honest man can gainsay.

He never misses an opportunity to traduce the people from whom he prung, nntt lately lie has cone into personalities and most grossly abused David Samuels, one of our most respected citizens, because the latter sued a friend of the apostate for an account, justly due, for nearly two years. the Mcshumcdim are a great deal worse than those who were born of Christian parents, as thoy are en- eavnring to wine out every vestice their origin bv throwing mud at the people to show they are all they ire worm. This man lJixley is a second edition of Eisenmenger, with toot-notes several columns length but we have one satislaction know ing that he is a dirty coward, and be fore this gels into print you may learn that I have spoiled that don ated proboscis ol the barren Scotch terrier. The following will bo read with in tercst by those who have mastered both the ancient and profane lan guages, as itis taken from the Yidische hazcten. published in New York, in Hebrew type and in a language that elongs to all the languages that were ever invented or spoken.

To the uninitiated we beg to say that it is an advertisement for a the atrical performance to be given by some Kussian refugees lor their ben- lit, and the benefit of their manager, who desires to bring them before the public in the following manner and tyle: "lch habe die Jtihre bekant zu machen das geehrte New Yorker rubhkum. dass ich habe angashirl nuf canz Yom Tnb (Sucoth) die Yidi- she Opera und Dramatic Company, welch hat gehat die lihre nut ein shtick die rnachsheife" in turnhal vorzukomen, und obwohl die com pany hat mit lhr spielen kein success gemacht war nicht ihr shuld dabei, denn nicht einer von der Company hat von New lorker theater ordnung gewust, jetzt aber hab ich das ge-scheft angenomen und hab tausend daler auf dem ekspensen gemacht, und dieselbe Uomuany mit nocn inehrere Krefte wird in derselber turnhal ihre yidishe shticke zum be-sten vorshtelien und ich verhof, das das geehrte publikum wird von un-sere vorshtellungen hechst zufrieden sein. Frank Wolf, von Corner esseks und hester utrits. It was hard work to transcribe the above, and I hone that my motive will not bo either misinterpreted or misunderstood. 1 believe that such largon, a relic ot barbarous davs, a reminder ot our persecutions, should be frowned down.

A Hebrew paper like unto the Maqid or such other, are a credit lo Judaism, but I am op- uosed to fostering a tongue of which every sensible man has reason to be heartily ashamed. juaftir. January 1U, 1S83. For the Amebican israemtk. Jewish Architecture.

It does not seem that this art has ever received much culliva tion among the Jews. History is entirely silent concerning any im portant building erected by our people until Solomon builds the iirst temple, about one thousand years belore me common era, which was about lour nuncired and fifty years after the Israelites were in independent people in uauaan. They lived under Joshua, under the government ot the Judges, under Saul and David, and during all this time we hear nothing of any important edifice. This temple stood about four hundred years, during wnicn lime contin ual wars tnrouguouo uie reigns oi the many kings kept the people in turmoil. From the destruction of the firs! temple to the erection of Herod's temple, nearly six hundred years elapsed, and during these many centuries we learn nothing from history that the Jewish people devoted themselves to the art of architecture.

Even when Solomon huiltliis temple, he applied lor as sistance to Hiram, King of Tyre, a lover ol David. Solomon also built the House of the Forest of Leb anon," and with the exception of the tombs we can not discover mat any great, buildings were at home among the Jewish nation. Why is it that this art was never culti vated among our people? Who can answer? ABOUT THE SYNOD. ift bet aBeistmt letter djuifi." oetfje. The last pronunciamento we have heard is this Even if the majority should declare for a Synod it would be a calamity for Judaism." This we translate as follows: ''The many are wrong, and the little I Am is right." RESOLUTIONS.

It was a queer coincidence that immediately over certain very important resolutions, which were published last week in the Jewish in-wise rrovioence. un the 1st inst. litlle H.Ulie Kalm departed this life alter eickuess of but a few days. She fell a victim to that dreadful malady, membraneous croup. Little llattie was but a little over six years old, but bright and pleasant, and a promising child.

On the 17th inst. we carried to her final resting plat Lillie Miller, thirteen yeara of ago, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller.

Lillie was a beautiful child, beautiful not only in her form and features, hut also in her spirit. She wus a regular and attentive scholar of our Sabuu'h-school, and a promising child. May the memory of both these girls be blessed. Turning from these sad events, we chronicle some news, some enjoyable ailairs, bo looked upon by our whole community. Miss Sophie Cahn, a highly accomplished young lady, who but a year ago returned from the East, where she attended school, and who, since then, has faithfully discharged the arduous duty as an assistant teacher of our Sabbath-school, has engaged herself to marry Mr.

Charles Axtinan, Malinger of the Golden Ejgle Clothing House. Mr. Axtman is an enterprising young man, and one that enjoys a good and enviable position in the estimation of the community at large. Our best wishes are with the engaged and trie estimable family of the bride, Mr. and.

Mrs, Joe Cahn. Another engagement has been announced but recently, that of Miss Emma riehultz and a young man from Trinidad, Col. Miss Schultz arrived here with her mother from Europe but a year ago, and she is already favorably known among the community as an accomplished and well-connected lady. Our best wishes. Our Progress Olub has had Beveral enjoyable entertainments these few months, and every one declared them to be rc-clicrclie.

Our Hebrew Ladies' Relief Society sustained a severe, if not an irreparable loss, by Mrs. S. Schneider's moving to Chicago. Mrs. Schneider had been Secretary of the society for over ten years, and she has had a good deal of work, principally daring the last few years.

There is hardly a poor house in this city where the face of Mrs. Schneider is not known. Mrs. Schneider had always been ready to leave everything and attend to the wants of the needy and trie destitute, uuring tne emigration ol the HueBiuns, Mrs. Schneider was always at hand to assist in providing for the transient poor, persecuted unfortunates, and up to tho last day of her stay she Was an efficient, faithful, true officer and member of the society.

The best wishes of all ac company Mrs. Schneider to her new nome. in air. bcnneider tne congregation loses a good and faithful member. and all other Jewish institutions lose, an ndefatigable worker for their cause.

The intense cold weather creatlv inter feres with our temple service, as well as with our Sabbath-school. But very few brve ones defy the cold. Our Russians have left. The farminir scheme near Wyandotte proved a failure. The Relief Society, assisted by the Hebrew jennies society, provided the parties with sufficient means to start elsewhere.

We gave them as "IVD mS two hundred ami Ij uiby uuuaro, uuu wiuii uiein u-eiter Bucceaa elsewhere. Mayeis. January 25, 1883. CLEVELAND. The sinking of the steamer Cimbrin has sadly afflicted a family in this city.

Among tbe misaint passengers of the ill-fated vessel are Mrs. Gitel Bartelstein, wife of Solomon Bartelstein. a clothimr merchant, doing business at No. 357 Ontario Street, in this city, and four of ber children. Bartelstein, a native of n-stadt, in Prussian Poland, came to this country two years ago, and soon after opened a store.

He prospered in busi ness, and last May sent hia wife money to bring her and their six children to Cleveland, but Bhe hesitated, writing that she was afraid to cross tho ocean. Two of her children, however Sarah, aged twenty-one, and a boy eleven years old under- ook the lournev and arrived here Upon being further entreated to come, Mrs. Bartelstein finally conquered her fears anil embarked at Hamburg with her remaining four children, a daughter eighteen years old, two boys aged nine and twelve years respectively, and a littlo daughter three yeara of age. Bartelstein was apprised that they would embark on the Cimbria, and when news of the loss of: the steamer became known here he telegraphed to Hamburg, and to-dav re ceived an answer confirming his worst fears.

Tbe grief of the stricken father and husband is heart-rending. In a cold room he sits alone bemoaning hia fate. and refusing to be comforted. Sarah, the eldest daughter, upon being told the news, feel in a swoon and now lies at the point of death. January 28, 1883.

ALLEtillliN FA. A meeting of the Hebrew Benevo lent Society was held in the Committee Riom of the Uodef Sholem Temple, A o. ok. pictuuiug, un ounaay Jan uary 7th, at which the same office holders were re-elected A. Fink, President; the Rev.

Dr. Mayer, Vice-President; Joseph lClee, Treasurer; L. Aarons, Secretary; Messrs. S. Wertheimer, Galinger, Jacobs, Ab.

Klein and the Rev. L. Nuremberg were elected Trustees. Tho Society are determined to be strict with transients und will go so far us to send them back to the places where they come from. They have received letters i harging them with sending their transients to the Societies of other cities.

I have been instructed to say that they do no such thing. When this class seeks the aid of the Society, going from East to West or from West to East, they are assisted to their destination as fur us the funds of the Society will permit, and are requested at tbe same time to make no more claims on the Society should they return. It has been suggested by several charitably disposed persons to build a home..

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